Acupuncture is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine that treats the client by stimulating specialized meridian points on his or her body in order to harmonize wellness and reduce stress. These acupuncture points can be activated by the insertion of extremely thin filaments (or non-hollow needles), or by the use of massage techniques.
Acupuncture can also use warming modalities, cupping massage, and patent herbal supplements to assist the body in regulating imbalances. It is the oldest medical system that is currently in practice today.
Acupuncture’s purpose is to restore optimal balance to the natural state of your body. When your mind and body are in a calmer state, there is less stress related injury to the digestive system, and your metabolism improves. Acupuncture can also help to reduce pain and decrease muscle spasm that could otherwise contribute to poor posture and impaired strength. In addition, it can also be helpful for pain, fertility, digestion, and sleeping problems.
Acupuncture does not need to use needles in order to be effective.
Please see our Frequently Asked Questions page for a deeper explanation of our acupuncture services.